JHED Volume 45

Check out the latest research and industry developments in
Volume 45 of the Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

Amar Zilic, Nedim Cengic, Dalila Cengic, Medina Bico, Zarema Obradovic, Eldina Smjecanin (2023). Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among food handlers. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 3-7.

Lucia Zelenakova, Martina Gazarova, Marta Habanova, Petra Lenartova (2023). Hygienic-epidemiological aspects of bacterial alimentary infections incidence (A04.-) in Slovakia over the last 20 years.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 8-16.

Lorena Memushaj, Afërdita Shtëmbari (2023). Comparison of the physico-chemical properties of some edible oils from the Albanian markets.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 17-21.

Shafqat Ali, Sohaib Afzaal (2023). Evaluation of lactobacillus strains against Huanglongbing causing Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus in citrus.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 22-27.

Valeria Gagiu, Irina Mexi, Oana Alexandra Oprea, Elena Mirela Cucu, Alina Alexandra Dobre, Elena Mateescu, Nastasia Belc (2023). Total aflatoxin contamination in common wheat in Romania in the years 2015 and 2016 with extreme weather events.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 28-39.

Valon Shala, Indrit Loshi (2023). The impact of the HACCP system on the reduction of pathogenic microorganisms in tools, spaces and personnel in milk processing industries.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 40-45.

Igor Grujic, Branko Latinovic, Slavica Grujic (2023). Implementation of food safety regulations in the Balkan countries.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 46-56.

Ajla Alisah, Abdulah Gagic, Admir Pivic, Maja Varatanovic, Almira Softic, Miroslav Lalovic, Julijana Trifkovic (2023). Production indicators of broiler chickens fattening in the circumstances of a new approach to the organization and implementation of preventive measures on farms in Montenegro.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 57-64.

Sebila Rekanovic, Radoslav Grujic, Mira Obradovic, Elvisa Hodzic, Dragana Sredic Cartes (2023). Evaluation of sensory characteristics and health safety of sheep meat products.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 65-74.

Eldina Smjecanin, Zarema Obradovic, Amar Zilic, Ema Pindzo (2023). Barriers to the implementation and maintenance of the haccp system in the catering sector. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 75-87.

Madalina Valentina Moga, Mihaela Tita, Ovidiu Tita (2023). The application of HACCP for the development of risk management in the production of yogurt with the addition of vegetable by-products.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 88-98.

Beyza H. Ulusoy, Fatma Kaya Yildirim, Halil Doruk Kaynarca (2023). The role of bacteriophages in the food industry: Two sides of the medallion.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 99-106.

Jasim Mohammed Baqer, Mahfoodh Khaleel Abdullal, Maysaloon Wael Ibrahim (2023). Evaluation of histological changes in ozonated red and white meat.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 107-114.

Edlira Baraj, Alma Shehu, Rajmonda Totoni, Kledi Xhaxhiu, Besnik Baraj (2023). A review regarding the correlation of air pollution with Covid-19.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 115-121.

Abdymanap Ospanov, Aigul Timurbekova, Dulat Zhalelov, Aigul Almaganbetova, Dinash Nurdan (2023). Actual problems of standardization of food products and feed in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 122-126.

Joao Carlos Goncalves, Raquel P. F. Guine, Ilija Djekic, Nada Smigic (2023). Consumers’ purchasing habits and food poisoning risk – a Portuguese survey.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 127-133.

Valeria Gagiu, Elena L. Ungureanu, Daniela Borda, Gabriel Mustatea, Elena Mateescu, Nastasia Belc (2023). Deoxynivalenol and heavy metals contamination in common wheat in Romania in the extremely dry year 2015.Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 134-150.

Andrea Mendelova, Lubomír Mendel, Lucia Zelenakova (2023). Dynamics of changes in the nutritionally significant components of tomato after processing into tomato puree. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 153-161.

Irina Polyanskaya, Lidia Stoyanova, Valentina Popova (2023). Application of cultures with metabiotic properties for the production of functional fermented product. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 162-168.

Majd Elayan, Csaba Nemeth, Munkhnasan Enkhbold, Adrienn Toth (2023). The effect of adding different oils on liquid egg products chemical and physical properties. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 169-173.

Meltem Boylu, Geza Hitka, Gyorgy Kenesei (2023). Investigation of the use of fresh oyster mushroom as a meat substitute in sausages. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 174-181.

Safaa Mahmmod Sultan, Faten Noori MulaAbed (2023). Evaluation of antifungal potential of d-β-glucan extracted from the fruiting bodies of Pleurotus ostreatus. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 182-189.

Indrit Loshi, Valon Shala, Jasenka Gajdos Kljusurc, Vesna Antoska Knights (2023). Research of the physico-chemical composition of fresh cow’s milk in the region of Peja and Gjakova. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 190-194.

Jurgita Mikasauskaite-Tiso, Stef Lemmens, Nijole Janina Vasiliauskiene, Annemie Froyen, Ingrida Kraujutiene (2023). Physicochemical and microbiological properties of the zero-waste vegetable spreads. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 195-201.

Miroslav Haban, Veronika Zitniak Curna, Joanna Korczyk-Szabo, Michaela Magacova, Marta Habanova (2023). Essential oil content in flowers from Rosa centifolia harvested in different phenophases. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 202-208.

Albena Durakova, Adelina Vasileva, Naiden Delchev, Georgi Dobrev, Valentina Dobreva, Milena Temelkova (2023). Sorption characteristics of pectin isolated from parsnip (Rastinaca sativa L.) of Bulgarian origin. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 209-214.

Adelina Vasileva, Albena Durakova, Hristo Kalaydzhiev, Milena Dimitrova-Dicheva (2023). Comparative study of physicochemical composition, antioxidant activity and microbiological characteristics of nectarine powder of Bulgarian origin and flour mixtures with its participation. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 215-220.

Danijela Jokic, Ljiljana Savic, Marko Savic, Ljubisa Kucurski (2023). Children’s nutrition. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 45, pp. 223-230.

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